The Entomological Club
The Entomological Fund  is registered Charity no. 313386      
Entomological Club Conferences
1987 The Ecology of Insect Introductions
This first Entomological Club Conference was held at The University of Reading to mark the centenary of the foundation of the Verrall Supper.

Eleven papers considered insect introductions in terms of their dispersal and population persistence, population genetics, biological control as an introduction phenomenon, re-introduction of Lepidoptera, captive breeding, habitat re-creation and conservation headlands.
The papers were published as a special issue of The Entomologist.

1997 Insect and Bird Interactions
The second Entomological Club Conference was again held at The University of Reading ten years after the first conference.

The conference covered insects in farmland as food for birds, effects on birds of insecticides, birds as biological control agents of insects, bird vision and foraging for insect food, insect defences against predation by birds, insects as bird parasites and insects feeding on bird detritus (a book on Insect and Bird Interactions was published In 2004).
Miriam Rothschild is centre in the wheelchair
Participants at the 1997 Conference
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The C;ub at the Wroxbury Vineyard, Shropshire, 2016
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