The Entomological Club
The Entomological Fund  is registered Charity no. 313386      
Verrall Association of Entomologists and the
Verrall Supper
A Verrall Supper
The conversazionne before the supper
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The object of this Association is to continue the Verrall Supper as nearly as possible along the lines of the annual Entomological Club Supper given from 1887-1911 by the late Mr. G. H. Verrall. The supper enables entomologists to meet once a year at a social gathering as mutual workers in their special branch of Science, to exchange ideas, to make new acquaintances and to renew old friendships.

The Verrall Supper is financed, not by selling tickets to the event, but from the annual subscriptions of members of the Association. The subscription is optional, but each year a ‘suggested subscription’ is published as a guide.

The Verrall Supper and the associated social gathering form the Annual Meeting of the Verrall Association of Entomologists and is therefore a private event. Membership of the Association is open to all interested in entomology. Members receive an invitation in January each year, and may nominate other entomologists for invitation by the Entomological Club. Such invitees who are subscribed for by their sponsor or pay a subscription themselves become members of the Association for the next year.

The Supper is held annually on the first Wednesday in March. In addition, the Royal Entomological Society invites a distinguished entomologist to deliver the ‘Verrall Lecture’ at the Natural History Museum before the Verrall  Supper.

For all matters connected with the Verrall Association and the Supper, please contact Dr Chris Lyal

The Verrall Supper 2025
The annual meeting of the Verrall Association of Entomologists and Verrall Supper will be held on Wednesday 5th March 2025 at the Rembrandt Hotel. Cromwell Rd, London.
   The Entomological Club and Verrall Supper - A History (1826-2004) by Pamela Gilbert O. B. E., was published by the Club in 2005. The book is some 80 pages with many illustrations