Born in Rugby, Warwickshire and educated at Lawrence Sheffield School, Rugby and Keeble College, Oxford.
Career at the University of Wales, Cardiff, first as lecturer, then reader and finally Professor, retiring in 1999.
Entomological interests :
Behaviour, ecology, evolution and the taxonomy of terrestrial insects, especially leafhoppers, planthoppers and cicadas.
Learned Societies:
Linnean Society. Served as Council Member from 1984-1987 and as President from 1988-1991. Awarded the Linnean Medal for Zoology by the Linnean Society in 2000.
Royal Entomological Society, Member of Council 1971-74 and 2012 to present. Vice-President 1972-73, member of the Publications Committee 1970-72, Editorial Officer 2002-2012, and President 2000-2002.
Systematics Association. Council member 1984-87; President 1991-94.
British Ecological Society. Served on Council and Publications Committee 1976-1979.
Elected a member of the Entomological Club in 1998 and served as Honorary Secretary 2004 -2011. Resigned as a Full Member and elected to Honorary Membership 2013.